Greenville SC SEO

Greenville SC Search Engine Optimization

SEO Solutions for Upstate South Carolina Small Business, Brands & Professionals

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SEO Strategies & Consulting To Help Your Local Business Grow

Results Driven Search Engine Optimization For Greenville SC

Search Engine Optimization is the process of ranking your website to the top of organic search engine results. It’s an on-going process that includes a variety of factors that search engine algorithms use to give your website its position on their search results for any given search term.

Let’s take this very page for example. I own Clemson Web Design and I want you to find me via search engines and know that I specialize in small business SEO. My SEO strategy is to optimize my website, backlink profile and this landing page content to organically rank for the search term “Greenville SC SEO”.

With lots of effort. Hopefully, after months of optimizing my website, my content and becoming the local authority on websites and search engine optimizations. My website and landing page will be coming up on the first page of Google results when potential clients search for “Greenville SC SEO”. I’m guessing that’s exactly how you ended up on this very page!

Greenville SEO FAQ

Have questions about our Greenville SC SEO or website design services? Read our FAQ below.

The basics of SEO is the process of optimizing your website, your links and your business to better rank among search engines for specific search terms. Clemson Web Design can help your Greenville SC website rank higher on search engines for specific keywords.

A lot of “seo agencies” use what we call black hat techniques to build cheap, low quality backlinks to boost your sites rankings. These spam techniques give your site a temporary rankings boost but in the long run will get your site penalized and demoted by search engines. Clemson Web Design only uses proven Google approved SEO strategies.

Each business, situation and website are at different points of development and Search Engine Optimization progress . Each SEO project is quoted on the time investment needed to achieve goals with a emphasis on reaching those goals within the specific businesses budget.

SEO is the consistent progression and growth of your online presence and website. Certain goals can be reached in weeks, others may take months.

There are no guarantees in SEO. We can only follow best practices and proven techniques to influence your websites rankings.  We can not control Google or Bing.

Our Greenville SC SEO Process

The process of SEO starts off with a website audit. Identify your weak and strong points. If you have analytics already set up then data driven decisions are a must. We can identify your strengths, build off those while we correct any weaknesses. The process is as follows. Each and every business is different. From operating budgets to competition. No two websites are the same. That said, the common approach to SEO does stay pretty consistent.

On Page SEO Optimization

The first step to ranking your Greenville SC business using SEO is on-page SEO. This step in the process includes on-page optimization. Google and search engines like fast mobile websites. It’s imperative that your website is fast loading, optimized and gives an optimal browsing experience. Clemson Web Design helps in this process by testing your website, making sure your site gives the best experience by optimizing your images, reducing the amount of assets required on page load and ensuring your sitemap file and schema mark up is complete.

A key part of successful SEO and driving traffic to your website is having a nice fast loading website. Traffic means nothing if you can’t convert that traffic into contacts, conversions and paying customers.

Greenville SC SEO Company
By reducing your websites load time you reduce your bounce rates, provide a more user friendly experience and search engines give slight preference to websites that use best development practices resulting in a faster loading website. Paired with a correct url structure and optimized schema markup. Your optimized on-page SEO will ensure your website is not holding your other efforts back from reaching your maximum exposure on the search engines. See my front-end On-Page Optimization Guide.
Top SEO Company in Greenville South Carolina

SEO Steps

Reduce Assets

Reduce the amount of scripts, fonts and assets that your website requires users to load. Excessive asset loading and connection request results in a slower website.

Optimize Everything

Optimizing your images using a progressive format or a newer format like webp greatly reduces the overhead load of your website. The same attention should also be applied to your image alt and meta/title tags.

Website Structure

Optimize your url structure, ensure your website has a proper flow and makes it as easy as possible for users to navigate and search engines to index.

Keyword Gaps

What keywords are users searching for in your industry? Can you capitalize on those Keywords?

Rank Keywords & Increase Conversions

Web Research




Off Page Greenville SEO

Quality Link Building:

Quality links are from authority sites and are links you get because the linking website has a legitimate reason to link to your website. These are quality authoritative blogs, review sites, publications and peers in your niche. Moz has a great write up on Link Building.

You can also get quality links from major publications by paying for marketing with their articles. Basically, you pay the publisher/media outlet for a spot/advertisement within the content on their website. These come in the form of articles, reviews or even just a quick hyperlink on a relevant article. If you see links to your competitors from Forbes and the like, thats content level marketing.

Anytime you see a local news article about a local product or service, it’s likely this is a paid marketing placement and paid link placement. It’s how publications, news papers, magazines and major publication outlets make money. They sell marketing space. Plain and simple. Its high level marketing on a content level that’s made to appear organic and bias free.

Low Quality Links:

Low quality links pointing to your website can actually hurt your SEO rankings. The internet is riddled with snake-oil salesmen who run Private Blog Networks, which are a network of blogs made by the same person that all link to each other. They use PBNs to give your backlink profile a boost but these links are short lived and low quality. They are easily spotted by eye because of their low effort designs and cookie-cutter articles. Googles constantly updating its algorithms and flagging low quality PBN links which results in the sites using them getting penalized and demoted in the search results.

Off Page SEO is how your website fits into the universe of the internet of things. How your website is linked to, linked from, how many signals and links its receiving from other websites on the internet. Basically, how much exposure and impact your website has on the internet. Search engines use a large variety of signals and algorithms to give websites rank in terms of search results. They basically build a profile to give your website a ranking compared to other websites that are trying to rank for the same search terms. Your off-page SEO is a large ranking factor.

Hiring The Right
Greenville SC SEO Company

Content Is King For Greenville SC SEO

Ever heard the phrase – content is king? It means exactly what it says. The best approach to SEO and ranking your Greenville SC business on search engines is having quality content that reaches the right audience. You can have the fastest, bestest and coolest looking website in the world but if your content is thin, lacking and low effort, you will never rank above quality content competition. Especially in the local Greenville SC area. Local competition is fierce and is growing more every day. That’s why it’s imperative to have the right SEO for your Greenville SC website.

Having quality content is also the best way to get legit authority backlinks from other websites. If you have content that other websites want their users to know about, they will link to you! From blog post and industry specific forums. You want content that’s original, helpful and informative. Content that other people find useful and will organically link to.

Best Greenville SC SEO

Content creation can be challenging in a variety of ways depending on the type of website you are trying to Search Engine Optimize. As in, Ecommerce websites are benefited by having unique detailed product descriptions and service industry websites are benefited by having detailed service pages for each service they offer.

Greenville SEO Keyword Research

Keyword research is a huge part of Greenville SC SEO. You can have quality content but without knowing what your target keywords and target audience are, that great content might not do you much good given the competitive nature of the Greenville SC market.
Greenville SC SEO Keyword Research

Thats what keyword research is all about. Its about knowing what to write about and what/who to target. For example. Writing an article about “Mens Shoes” isnt going to do you much good if your customers are searching for “Flip-Flops”. Stay on topic, stay relevant to what your target audience is searching for and be sure you’re targeting the right keywords.

Great website content also includes strong keyword and text signals that let search engines know that your website is relevant for you niche, that you and your website are a local authority in what you offer.

Greenville SC local keywords are extremely competitive so expect a good SEO to do their research!

Clemson Web Design Can Help Get You To The Top Of Search Engine Results

Search Engines Can Generate
Leads & New Business

Google search can generate your business a lot of traffic if you know what keywords to target. Keyword research is a huge part of Greenville SC SEO. You can have quality content but without knowing what your target keywords and target audience are, that great content might not do you much good given the competitive nature of the Greenville SC search engine market. That’s what keyword research is all about. Its about knowing what to write about and what/who to target. For example. Writing an article about “Mens Shoes” isnt going to do you much good if your customers are searching for “Flip-Flops”. Stay on topic, stay relevant to what your target audience is searching for and be sure you’re targeting the right keywords. Greenville SC local keywords are extremely competitive so expect a good SEO to do their research!

Content Means Keywords

Quality content that builds off your targeted keywords and website niche is essential to the building blocks of a well ranking website. If you follow best development practices and have a fast loading, user friendly site. Creating quality content is the fastest most surefire long term solution to organic ranking on Google and other search engines.

There’s a few ways to create content. Organically and in house with the business owners supplying their own content. Outsource the creative writing to 3rd parties that charge per word to write up articles for your niche and business. Clemson Web Design also offers content creation, article write ups and landing page content optimization for select Upstate SC businesses.

Write For Users - Not Search Engines

It’s important to understand that your content needs to be original and it needs to be written for humans, not search engines. The days of keyword stuffing and doorway pages with low effort content are over.

Selectively place your target keywords to look natural. You want to avoid any keyword stuffing penalties now and in the future. Modern search engine algorithms can spot low effort fake content a mile away! Stay original and stay creative.

Greenville SEO Research

Keyword Landscape

What keywords are users searching for in your industry? Can you capitalize on those Keywords?

Branded vs Generic Keywords

How many of the keywords are branded vs generic? Should you target one or the other? Both?

Keyword Seasonality

Which time of year are users searching for your products compared to when are they searching for just information about your products?

Paid Search vs Organic Search

Can we utilize paid Search Engine Marketing to cover-up weaknesses in your organic search strategy?

User Intent & Demographics

When a user searches for your keyword, what type of user are they and what questions might they ask after you’ve answered their first question?

Keyword Funnel Analysis

Which keywords are great for making your brand more visible, versus which keywords are great for making transactions? How can you become a trusted brand?

Client Work Portfolio

Social Medias Role in SEO Ranking Factors

Greenville SC Social Marketing SEO

With the rise of social media search engines have given search weights to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and the like. They use your social media presence and factor it in on their ranking algorithms. The more social media followers you have, the amount of shares you can get are all signals search engines use to factor in your ranking. The more of a social media you have, the higher your authority and trust you’ll receive from search engines.

Getting organic followings on social media can be hard for certain niches. As in, getting people to talk about sink faucets is going to be a lot harder than getting people to talk about a pop star. Some basic strategies to get a social media presence are to promote free give-aways and contest. You can also offer discounts and even paid marketing on social media sites.

SEO Consultations That Help Build Your Brand

Local SEO Greenville SC

Building a brand for your Greenville SC business is about building trust. Get customer testimonials every chance you get. Encourage your customers to write you online reviews and to refer others via word of mouth. Use Yelp, Google My Business Reviews and even Facebook Review system to build your local trust and brand authority. Search engines see these reviews and use them to calculate your influence and authority in your niche.

Showcasing customer testimonials on your own website is a great way to instill trust and can easily raise conversion levels. Displaying your testimonials on your own website also ensures you’ll have the reviews for years to come.

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